Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua Maduro (Box of 6)
Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua Maduro cigars boast the same rich earthy, spicy, and naturally sweet tobacco flavours as their larger counterparts, perfect for a quick smoke, lasting around 15 minutes.
Flavour - Medium
Vitola - Petit Pantela
Ring Gauge - 34
Length - 4.125”
Wrapper - Sumatra, Mexico
Binder - Ecuador
Filler - Nicaragua
Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua Maduro cigars boast the same rich earthy, spicy, and naturally sweet tobacco flavours as their larger counterparts, perfect for a quick smoke, lasting around 15 minutes.
Flavour - Medium
Vitola - Petit Pantela
Ring Gauge - 34
Length - 4.125”
Wrapper - Sumatra, Mexico
Binder - Ecuador
Filler - Nicaragua
Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua Maduro cigars boast the same rich earthy, spicy, and naturally sweet tobacco flavours as their larger counterparts, perfect for a quick smoke, lasting around 15 minutes.
Flavour - Medium
Vitola - Petit Pantela
Ring Gauge - 34
Length - 4.125”
Wrapper - Sumatra, Mexico
Binder - Ecuador
Filler - Nicaragua
The Primeros by Davidoff Nicaragua in the Maduro version of the same Petit Panetela format imparts a more intensive flavour. The complexity and balance create an extraordinary smoking experience in those moments of escape, whether over lunch or a short break. This small cigar provides similar palate stimulation to the regular Davidoff Nicaragua line, yet is more intense and sweet, while developing amazing chocolate flavours.