Gurkha Legend Marquesa Toro Cigar
The Gurkha Marquesa Toro is a medium-strength stick that is reminiscent of pre-embargo Cuban cigars. Handmade in the Dominican Republic, the Gurkha Marquesa features a Sumatra wrapper that is draped over a Nicaraguan binder and fillers from the Esteli and Ompete regions of Nicaragua.
Origin: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Sumatra
Size: 6 x 54
Shape: Toro
Strength: Medium
Flavoring: Roasted nuts, slight saltiness, natural tobacco crispness, and a sweet core
The Gurkha Marquesa Toro is a medium-strength stick that is reminiscent of pre-embargo Cuban cigars. Handmade in the Dominican Republic, the Gurkha Marquesa features a Sumatra wrapper that is draped over a Nicaraguan binder and fillers from the Esteli and Ompete regions of Nicaragua.
Origin: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Sumatra
Size: 6 x 54
Shape: Toro
Strength: Medium
Flavoring: Roasted nuts, slight saltiness, natural tobacco crispness, and a sweet core
The Gurkha Marquesa Toro is a medium-strength stick that is reminiscent of pre-embargo Cuban cigars. Handmade in the Dominican Republic, the Gurkha Marquesa features a Sumatra wrapper that is draped over a Nicaraguan binder and fillers from the Esteli and Ompete regions of Nicaragua.
Origin: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Sumatra
Size: 6 x 54
Shape: Toro
Strength: Medium
Flavoring: Roasted nuts, slight saltiness, natural tobacco crispness, and a sweet core