"Stop Naggin" Coaster By Thomas Joseph
Dimensions: 10.5cm x 10.5cm
Materials: Lacquered Surface Hardboard and Cork Backed
Easily cleaned with a wipe-clean surface
This coaster strays from Joseph’s normal designs, it’s the perfect gift for that certain person who just won’t “stop naggin”. Giving you the time just to sit back, enjoy a cuppa, relax and smile please…..for the album.
Dimensions: 10.5cm x 10.5cm
Materials: Lacquered Surface Hardboard and Cork Backed
Easily cleaned with a wipe-clean surface
This coaster strays from Joseph’s normal designs, it’s the perfect gift for that certain person who just won’t “stop naggin”. Giving you the time just to sit back, enjoy a cuppa, relax and smile please…..for the album.
Dimensions: 10.5cm x 10.5cm
Materials: Lacquered Surface Hardboard and Cork Backed
Easily cleaned with a wipe-clean surface
This coaster strays from Joseph’s normal designs, it’s the perfect gift for that certain person who just won’t “stop naggin”. Giving you the time just to sit back, enjoy a cuppa, relax and smile please…..for the album.